Monthly Archives: March 2020

Guidance for the Charity Sector

This is the last of the 4 test articles. It's my personal favourite. This is the last of the 4 test articles. It's my personal favourite. This is the last of the 4 test articles. It's my personal favourite. And now I'm just adding a bit to see how long the excerpt is. And now…
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Furloughing and Volunteering

Words for the 3rd test article. Words for the 3rd test article. Words for the 3rd test article. Words for the 3rd test article. With Charities and Third Sector Organisations being made up for long serving staff and volunteers, it might seem that furloughing staff and getting them back as volunteers would be a great…
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Defer Tax for 3 Months

Deferring Tax for 3 months will not be appropriate for all charities, but for some it will be welcome relief even where it is merely for a trading subsidiary. The good news is, the relief is automatic. VAT All UK businesses can now defer their VAT payments for 3 months. This applies between 20 March 2020 and 30 June…
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All organisations are given a 3 month filing extension

Firms struggling to file their accounts due the coronavirus pandemic are to be granted a ‘fast-tracked’ three-month extension with Companies House. A joint statement from Companies House and Alok Sharma confirmed that businesses must ask to be given the extension to file, but those that are affected by COVID-19 will be ‘automatically and immediately granted’…
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